Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Evvy Kartini is a founder of National Battery Research Institute (NBRI), President of Indonesian Neutron Scattering Society (INSS), President of Material Research Society Indonesia (MRS-INA), and Research Professor of National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). Evvy Kartini holds the title of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. She is an expert on the neutron scattering and respected internationally. Her international reputation in the field of neutron scattering and solid state ionics, has been well established. She has been represented as a leader (president) of the Indonesian Neutron Scattering Society (INSS) since 2013. She is one of the executive committee of the Asian Oceania Neutron Scattering Soceity (AONSA). Besides neutron scattering, Evvy Kartini has expertise on the materials science, especially on lithium ion battery research. Evvy Kartini, has became one of the International Board Member of the Asian Socety of Solid State Ionics and International Society of Solid State Ionics. Recently, Evvy Kartini has attended the 20th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (ICSSI) in Keystone, Colorado, USA 2015.